Wednesday, August 18, 2010

30 weeks 3 days

I have seen these questionnaires before and figured I might as well fill them out for the last few weeks of this pregnancy. Hopefully I remember to do them weekly!

How far along?
31 weeks 3 days

Total weight gain/loss? I don't know. They only weighed me at my first appointment.

Maternity clothes? Oh yeah. Although I do have some non-maternity shirts that still fit.

Stretch marks? Nope.

Sleep? Much better now that I'm over my nasty cold. Now I only wake up 3-4 times a night to pee instead of that plus waking up every ten minutes because I couldn't breathe/swallow.

Movement? All the time. Usually in the morning and evening I feel it the most with some occasional kicks throughout the day.

Food cravings? None right now. I haven't had many strong cravings. Most of the things I do want though are only available in the US so I can't even have them.

Gender? Unknown.

Labor signs? None, just an occasional Braxton Hicks contraction.

Belly button in/out? In. Shallower and flat on the bottom.

What I miss: Not much. There really isn't anything that I did before that I can't do now. Except maybe bend over comfortably to shave my legs more often.

What I am looking forward to: My midwife appointment tomorrow. Another ultrasound in 2 1/2 weeks. My shower at the end of September. Being able to finish buying all the baby items.

Milestones: Finally making it to 30+ weeks. It seemed so far away at the beginning, but now it's here.

Don't mind the blurry picture, or the messy room. I was having a hard time getting it to come out clear.