Monday, May 7, 2012

Dear Benjamin

Dear Benjamin,

     Today, you are 19 months old.  You have brought so much joy to our lives.  I can't believe how fast you are growing up, how intelligent you are becoming and how much you make us laugh.  You are coming up with new words every day.  Your favorite things are playing with Chelsea and Andrew, watching Dora, and getting tickles.  You love to eat fruit (but not vegetables).  You are fantastic at identifying animals and even better at making their noises!  (Your favorite noise to make is for a dinosaur -ROOAAARRRRR).  You climb like a little monkey.  You are constantly talking and your new favorite word is "stuck!"  You have 14 teeth and still love drinking mommy's milk!  You will bring me a pillow and blanket during the day when you want some.  You will pick out which color cloth nappy you want to wear when it's time to get changed.  You hate wearing socks (like me) but love to put shoes on.  Thankfully you know that you need socks in order to wear shoes so you will put them on sometimes.  You have beautiful blonde curls and are way above average in both height and weight.  Thank you for being you.  We love you!

Mommy and Daddy

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