Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Andrew's Famous Sayings!

Andrew comes up with some pretty good sayings. I thought I'd start posting them here so they will never be forgotten!

On the way back home, Chelsea wanted a drink and our drink bag was empty.

Chelsea: "There's no more cans of drink left and I'm hungry!"

Chelsea was jumping on the Springfree Trampolines, trying out the different ones, when Paul asked her how the one she just got onto was.

Chelsea: "This one is gooder."

I was telling the kids that I won a DVD in a competition.

Me: "I won a DVD, but you can't watch it."
Chelsea: "What's it rated?"
Me: "MA15+"
Andrew: "I've seen MA15+ before! Wait here, woman!"
Paul: "Did he just call you woman?"

Paul and the kids went grocery shopping. While there they picked up some of what they thought was toilet (dunny) paper. Once they got home, Paul asked Andrew to put the toilet paper on the holders. He goes to do this, then comes back out holding a roll of paper towels, which were bought accidentally instead of toilet paper.

"Dad! This is the biggest dunny roll I've ever seen!!"

Before we moved, Andrew would come into the bedroom and snuggle with Paul when he woke up before going downstairs to play. One morning he had done this and then came back a little while later once Chelsea had woken up and was snuggling with Paul.

Paul: "Andrew, how long have you been up?"
Andrew: "At least 10 minutes, Dad."
Chelsea: "You've been up over an hour!"
Andrew: "I know. I said at least 10 minutes!"

Paul and Andrew were talking about the school sport day. Andrew had run a 100 meter race.

Paul: "How did you do in your race?"
Andrew: "Good."
Paul: "Where did you finish?"
Andrew: "Second last."
Paul: "Second last? What's so good about that?"
Andrew: "It wasn't last."

Paul and I had gone on a day trip up a mountain the weekend before. We were in the car with the kids and I was telling them what we did. Somehow, I said, "Last weekend, your dad and I went up a dinosaur!" How I got dinosaur out of mountain, I will never know. That night once we had gotten home, I said something equally as strange, although I can't remember what it was. After I said it though, this is what Andrew said.

Andrew: "Amy, are you sure you're not taking any drugs?"

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